There Is ALWAYS Something To Do Here!The Dominion House Bed and Breakfast is an ideal location for romantic getaways. You’ll have access to an assortment of fun amenities during your stay. If quiet is your thing, catch up on reading in our library, or pull up a chair at our puzzle table in the parlor. For the outdoors folk, take in the scenery of Orange County while enjoying our walking trails or hike on our adjacent rail trail to nearby villages where you’ll find shops, restaurants, a winery, or a brewery. Relax in our spa, cool off in our 40′ inground pool, or enjoy a drink in our billiards room. Regardless of your preferences, The Dominion House Bed and Breakfast can provide the accommodations that you need to have an unforgettable weekend.
28 Old Dominion Rd • PO Box 137 • Blooming Grove, NY • 10914
© 2024 The Dominion House || website: thirsty fish graphic design